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Sharia Walker - Walkers Institute

The Walker Institute, with over 70 years in conflict management, needed a website to showcase its expertise and services across various sectors.

Sohoby Developers designed a custom website featuring a custom Content Management System (CMS) and bespoke graphics. The CMS was user-friendly, and the graphics highlighted the institute’s extensive experience.

  • Custom CMS: Simplified content management.
  • Custom Graphics: Enhanced visual appeal and brand representation.
  • Rapid Delivery: Completed the project quickly.

The new website effectively communicated The Walker Institute’s expertise and improved its online presence, aligning with its business objectives.

Zahr Website

Zahr is an E-Commerce Platform working in Jeddah Saudi Arabia.

An ecommerce platform that allows you to create and manage an online
store. You’ll use this to manage your products, site, operations, and
everything else related to online sales.

  • Mobile Friendly 
  • Customized Design


Cyan Water Park Website

It is a full fledge website with a customized back end CMS system & at the
same time there is a booking engine integrated with a back end ticketing

  • Mobile Friendly
  • Customized Design
  • Payment Gateway Integration  
  • Backend Ticketing System Integration
  • Content Management System
Nada Website

We love natural, wholesome food and live for providing you with only the
best products, made from the finest ingredients. We adhere to the highest
internationally-recognised standards and pride ourselves on our passion
for fresh taste and our dedication to providing you and your family with
exactly that!

  • Mobile friendly 
  • Content Management System  
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